Corporate Wellness & Kinesiology
Evidence accumulated over the past three decades shows that well-designed and well-executed programs that are founded on evidence-based principles can achieve positive health and financial outcomes.
Employers seeking a program that “works” are urged to consider their goals and whether they have an organizational culture that can facilitate success.
(Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: September 2014)
New research finds that Workplace Wellness Programs that follow the traditional goals of assisting employees to “get fit” and lower the cost of access to healthcare are unsuccessful.
(Bloomberg Business Jan 2018)
So, what does counter the negative effects of a potentially challenging work environment?
Depending on the complexities of a corporation’s function, staff can be subject to mental, psychological and emotional pressures. These pressures can extend beyond a staff member’s comfort and create tension and stress. Affecting not just work life but home life too.
Milestone life events, such as death, selling a home and or managing mental health and the related complexities, come with ‘big’ emotions. Real support for staff comes in the form of fostering a work culture that allows staff to lead balanced and healthy lives.
Quartz at Work, 2019
Given, what is balance for one human is very different for another, how do you tailor a Wellness Program that caters to all? Quite simply… you muscle test.
Muscle testing is a simple non evasive method used by kinesiologists to find the priority stressors to an individual. It is a direct method to identify the core reason for stress and then ascertain the unique answers from an individual’s body on how to alleviate the stress.
It is the answer to corporate wellness as it brings the ownership of health and wellbeing squarely to the individual. It is their habits, mindset and patterns that are shaping their life.
Kinesiology pronounced (kin-easy-ology), is a holistic natural therapy that understands that our physical bodies’ wellbeing or homeostasis is maintained by the delicate balance of the physical, emotional, chemical and spiritual facets of our being.
A Kinesiologist is someone who can help with pain, emotional disturbances and many other, chronic health conditions. Gabrielle Ellul, Balance For Life Kinesiology Brisbane is a specialist kinesiologist, offering traditional balancing as well as Neural Organisational therapy (N.O.T) and
N.O.T deals with the body’s circuitry, shared pathways or programs that run our bodies processes. It is based on the survival systems of fight flight, immunity, digestion and reproduction.
The system of Hypertonix is based on specific set of bilateral muscles that affect your adrenal system. It is a quick method to alleviate emotional stress. You are stretched perfectly, with relief to the proprioception of the joints. Each position is muscle tested to ensure it is beneficial and
that a complete release has been achieved.
Signature Pop Up Clinic
Our signature pop up clinic is like no other, we create the atmosphere, service and care of a real wellness centre at your workplace.
Sessions can be conducted in the comfort of the workplace within a spare office or conference facility. Each session is 30minutes and tailored to the individual. Balances can be completed back to back by prior booking. With a minimum of 6 bookings required each day at a cost of $50
each. Access to a carpark is a pre requisite of the booking as well.
This program easily ties in with HR mindfulness programs, ergonomic assessments and behaviour-based training.